The Black Is Beautiful Film Series is curated and hosted by poet Rajnii Eddins. The seven-month series features films by Black film directors. The films range from the well-known Hollywood blockbusters to award-winning independent films. Please join us for an afternoon of entertaining and engaging movies!
This week's film is Ayanda and the Mechanic
In a community vibrant with migrants from across the African Continent, against the backdrop of unspoken love, a young woman tries to navigate a path for herself. But in this world, everything keeps shifting--everything except the one thing that actually needs to change. Ayanda and the Mechanic is a coming-of-age story of a 21-year-old Afro-hipsters who embarks on a journey of self-discovery trying to keep her father's memory alive, when she's thrown into a world of greasy overalls, gender stereotypes, and abandoned vintage cars in need of a young woman's re-inventive touch who tries to reclaim what would've been, what could've been.